- mxvpm官网
- Tout Voltaire
- Commonplace Cultures
- Legacies of the Enlightenment
- Dictionnaire Vivant de la Langue Française (DVLF)
- Subscription Databases
- Public Databases
- Dictionnaires d'autrefois
Founded in 1982 as a result of a collaboration between the French government and the University of Chicago, the ARTFL Project is a consortium-based service that provides its members with access to North America's largest collection of digitized French resources. Along with ARTFL's flagship database ARTFL-FRANTEXT, ARTFL members are also given access to a large variety of other Subscriber Databases.
In addition to our member services, ARTFL also supports many mxvpm官网 including the Dictionnaires d'autrefois, the Encyclopédie of Diderot and d'Alembert, and the Bibliothèque Bleue de Troyes. As we move forward, we continue to foster a spirit of digital collaboration at ARTFL, which has resulted in a host of French and non-French projects with various research partners in North America and abroad, as well the development of a suite of open source search and retrieval products that build upon our original PhiloLogic search engine.
mxvpm官网we are officially releasing TextPAIR, our high-performance sequence alignment tool built to detect text-reuses in large collections of text. See the official annoucement on our blog for more details.
The Project for American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language (ARTFL) is a cooperative enterprise of the mxvpm加速中心网站www.mxvpn.net # 2021最新MXVPN官网_最专业MXVPN网络 ...:ww.mxvpn.net eww.mxvpn.net 2ww.mxvpn.net qww.mxvpn.net sww.mxvpn.net 3ww.mxvpn.net mww.mxvpn.net wew.mxvpn.net w2w.mxvpn.net wqw.mxvpn.net wsw.mxvpn.net w3w.mxvpn.net ...Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), the Division of the Humanities and Electronic Text Services (ETS) of the University of Chicago.